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Mercy Seat Ministries (Yahshua/Torah congregation) Add To Favourite   Email To a Friend
Username : Presto2112
Location : Wichita, Kansas, United States
Ad Last Modified : 2014-04-16 12:44:56
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Site URL : http://www.mercy-seat-ministries.net

First & Last name OR Organization name : Mercy Seat Ministries (Yahshua/Torah congregation)

Description of scriptural understandings, background, affiliation, etc. (HTML allowed) : We believe... the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God(YHWH). All of Scripture is given for correction, reproof, and instruction in righteousness. The Bible contains the written revelation of who our Creator is and our incredible salvation through Y\'shua the Messiah. We believe... the God(YHWH) of Israel is the Creator, Sustainer, Provider, and is Sovereign over the entire universe. We believe God(YHWH) is one, composed of spirit, immortal, invisible, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. However, we also believe our God(YHWH)is a jealous God(YHWH), that can be provoked to anger and by His consuming fire He will devour His adversaries. We believe... that Y\'shua the Messiah is the Word of God(YHWH) made flesh and has become the Savior of the world. He was born of a virgin, proclaimed the gospel, healed the sick, relieved the oppressed, and taught the Law(Torah) of God(YHWH). Y\'shua the Messiah lived the perfect life of obedience, and was crucified, died, buried, and resurrected to atone for the sins of all mankind past, present and future. He was resurrected to life and ascended to the right hand of the Father where He is seated to be our High Priest after the order of Melchisedec. Salvation is only possible through a relationship with Y\'shua the Messiah. He will return to avenge the blood of the saints and establish a one-thousand year reign of peace on earth. We believe... the Holy Spirit is the presence and power of God(YHWH) that emanates forth from the Throne Room of Heaven and accomplishes His will in the universe. The Holy Spirit is a free gift from God(YHWH) dwelling within us that convicts us of sin, teaches us the truth, and enables us to overcome our weaknesses in the flesh. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is evident in nine character attributes in the lives of believers. We believe... that salvation is by the grace of God(YHWH) through faith and can never be earned through our good works or observing the Law(Torah). Salvation is only attainable within the New Covenant established at Messiah\'s death to bring Israel back into fellowship to Him. It is through the shed blood of Messiah\'s perfect sacrifice for our sins that allows us to come into the New Covenant with Him. We believe... that the Law(Torah) of God(YHWH) is the instruction manual for believers on how to live a holy lifestyle. The Law(Torah) of God(YHWH) is for our benefit and adhering to its principals brings forth blessings in our lives as believers. The Law(Torah) of God(YHWH) includes the first five books of the Bible which was delivered to Moses by God(YHWH) Himself. Y\'shua the Messiah did not come to expunge the Law(Torah) of God(YHWH) but to live it out as an example to all believers. The Law(Torah) of God(YHWH) is written on the hearts and minds of believers as we enter into the New Covenant with our Messiah. We believe the Law(Torah) of God(YHWH) defines what sin and righteousness are. We believe... that God(YHWH) created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. God(YHWH) blessed and sanctified the seventh day and commands all believers to rest on the seventh day according to the fourth of the Ten Commandments. The Sabbath day is the seventh day from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. The Sabbath is a gift from the Creator to give rest to our mind, body, and spirit. The Sabbath allows God\'s(YHWH) people to worship, pray, teach, study, fellowship, and encourage one another in the bonds of love. The Sabbath also allots us time to connect with our families, spouses, children, friends, and God(YHWH). The Sabbath is a shadow of Messiah\'s salvation knowing we rest in Him while reflecting on His completed work for our salvation. We believe... Israel is composed of believers, whether Jew or Gentile, entering into the New Covenant with their Messiah who keep the Commandments of God(YHWH) and the Testimony of Y\'shua the Messiah.

Additional Info : We are a Biblically-centered and Messiah-focused congregation of believers in the Wichita, KS area. We do not seek denominational status but realize YHWH\'s children are a scattered remnant around the globe who keep the Commandments of YHWH and have the testimony of Y\'shua the Messiah. We believe YHWH\'s people, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, encompasses what the Bible calls Israel no matter where they reside. We do not align ourselves with man-made doctrine or church-related theology, but only desire to learn and obey the instructions(Torah) from the Scriptures. We believe Y\'shua the Messiah is our Savior who purchased us with His own blood by dying for our sins and knowing He is the way, the truth, and the life. We seek to worship the one true YHWH of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in spirit and in truth in accordance with the written Word of YHWH. Our mission is to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and prepare the way of our Savior Y\'shua the Messiah by providing a place for those who desire Biblical fellowship on the seventh-day Sabbath while we worship, study, and pray together in peace, gentleness, and respect toward one another. Realizing not all YHWH\'s people think on the same lines we grow together in grace and knowledge until we come into the unity of faith, unto the perfect man, to the fullness of Messiah together as a family under the headship of our King. Mercy Seat Ministries believes the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments are valid for instruction, correction, reproof, and doctrine and that none of it is done away. We believe salvation is the gift of God and cannot be earned by obedience to the Law(Torah) of YHWH. For by grace through faith we are saved and not of our works. However, We believe those who are saved by grace through faith will exhibit a change in lifestyle that produces fruit to YHWH by obedience to His Law(Torah). Knowing we are not perfect in our flesh, we believe repentance is shown by obedience to His Commandments as a way of life. Mercy Seat Ministries believes love is the most important characteristic a believer can possess. We believe the Law(Torah) of YHWH instructs us how to love our Creator and our fellow man. It is through love that YHWH makes the impossible is possible. This is because we believe our YHWH is a God of unconditional love. And this love was exhibited through the death of Y\'shua the Messiah on our behalf. No greater love in the history of the world has ever been known. Mercy Seat Ministries believes that the written Word of God is best understood under the umbrella of a Hebraic context. Because of this belief, we expect to find a profound detailed understanding of Scripture. Through careful examination of Hebrew thoughts, words, and culture, believers are catapulted toward a deeper spiritual discovery of our Great YHWH and Savior Y\'shua. Mercy Seat Ministries provides an open worship platform for the believer through music, flags, and Hebraic dance. We believe Scripture is detailed with exuberant worship celebrations to the Creator of life. From this we believe Scripture encourages us to celebrate our Sabbaths with great joy and peace to our blessed Redeemer and King Y\'shua the Messiah. The result is bringing believers into the presence of YHWH\'s love and exceeding joy that He desires for all His children. If you feel compelled to visit us for worship please feel free to contact us or come join us on the Sabbath. Refer to the contact us page for information. May YHWH bless you and keep you. Mercy Seat Ministries

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